Crude Dark Matters - The Movie
"For the record, Crude Dark Matters double threat of a hilarious, interactive
show combined with the talents of David Radford, and Christina Patterson
had the best result"
-Marble Review
show combined with the talents of David Radford, and Christina Patterson
had the best result"
-Marble Review
Lights... Camera... Action!
This summer you will be privileged to witness and possibly even land a
cameo in a location film shoot produced by and starring the self-proclaimed
legend, and 'environmentarian’ Bradley R. Burkman, in his latest
Future/nature or ‘sci-eco-fiction’ picture; Crude Dark Matters (The
Above the small Planet of Kitimatia, the Intergalactic Pipeline has ruptured
and crude dark matter spills throughout the Galaxy. For this crime, Captain
Enbridge must fight the Queen of Kitimatia to the death.
Written By David Radford
David Radford as Bradley R. Burkman (as Captain Enbridge)
Christina Patterson as Shannon Summers (as Glarp)